An ion chromatograph and an atomic absorption spectrometer were acquired for the Savonia WaterLAB at the beginning of the year. With the help of an ion chromatograph, the cation and anion determinations of water samples can be carried out more extensively and faster when there are many samples to be analyzed and more ions from the samples are to be analyzed. Elements such as metals can now also be analyzed from both water and solid samples with an atomic absorption spectrometer. The ContrAA 800D atomic absorption spectrophotometer acquired for the Savonia WaterLAB is the first of its kind in Finland.
WaterLAB analyzes are suitable for natural waters, domestic waters and industrial and municipal wastewater. Some of the analyzes are also suitable for sludges and solid samples. For more detailed information about our analysis services, please contact Laura Antikainen.
The equipment has been acquired as part of the Kuopio Water Cluster investment project. The project is funded by the European Union Regional Development Fund and the Northern Savonia Association.