Kuopio Water Cluster (KWC), and Blue Economy Mikkeli (BEM), will join the Aquatech exhibition in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on 2-5 November 2021.
Aquatech Amsterdam is the world’s leading water trade show for process, drinking and wastewater. “Taking part in the exhibition gives Kuopio Water Cluster and Blue Economy Mikkeli a unique opportunity to reconnect with water professionals from all over the world after a long period of remote and hybrid work”, said Panu Jouhkimo, Programme Coordinator at BEM.
During the 4-day event, we will connect with 18,000+ water experts and 650+ exhibiting companies. As a refreshing change after extended lockdowns, during fairs, there will be opportunities to join inspirational seminars and presentations, topical round tables, HUBs and pavilions, as well as Aquatech Innovation Award Show.
“Kuopio Water Cluster and Blue Economy Mikkeli respond to strong demand for Finnish water expertise and innovation, especially in the circular economy and digitalization” – said Patryk Wójtowicz, Research Manager responsible for internationalisation in KWC. Furthermore, by taking part in the Aquatech 2021, this unique interregional cooperation aims to build strong and diverse international partnerships.
Join us at booth 05.451!
The Kuopio Water Cluster (KWC) concentrates Finnish water expertise providing product development, testing and commercialization services. Water Cluster aligns network of universities, and multi-disciplinary national research institutes focused on the water sector. KWC is a collaborative network for start-ups, SMEs and large companies to stimulate growth and innovation.
Blue Economy Mikkeli (BEM) is a part of an eco-industrial park combining the utilization of municipal and industrial material cycles with water circularity. Excellence in research, world-class RDI environments, and collaboration with companies create the conditions for the development, commercialization and business development of new solutions and services. State-of-the-Art MBR WWTP with full-scale testing and piloting environments for wastewater treatment and water reclamation make BEM a unique environment and collaboration network for business and RDI.
Patryk Wójtowicz
Research Manager
Smart Water Group
Savonia-ammatttikorkeakoulu Oy
Kuopio Water Cluster
PL 6 (Microkatu 1C)
FI-70201 Kuopio, Finland
+358 44 785 5564
Panu Jouhkimo
Programme Coordinator
Blue Economy Mikkeli
Mikkelin kehitysyhtiö Miksei Oy
+358 44 598 6854 |
About Kuopio Water Cluster
The KWC offers a one-stop solution for rapid product development, testing and commercialisation services for companies operating in the water technology sector. We complement our offer by providing access to specialised laboratories, top experts, and qualified assisting personnel. Laboratory scale tests are combined with custom-made, containerised pilot-scale test-rigs allowing for rapid on-site demonstrations up to TRL 7.
Founding members of the KWC are Savonia UAS, UEF, THL, GTK, Luke and Finnish Food Authority. |