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We are a multi-disciplinary cluster focused on providing solutions in water sector |
Kuopio Water Cluster newsletter |
December 2020 |
Welcome to our first newsletter!
Kuopio Water Cluster – providing water expertise to support product development. We have been actively working to redeem this slogan in the busy and unusual year 2020. We are increasing business cooperation and investing in the significant development of our expertise and equipment. Our membership offer has expanded over the past year and new members are joining our activities on a weekly basis. Our testing and product development cooperation, especially with companies operating in the water-intensive industry and smart water applications, has expanded significantly.
At this point in the year, we would like to thank all our partners for the past year and wish you every happiness this holiday season and throughout the coming year 2021 ??. You can find the overview of the 2020 projects and our new equipment capabilities and services on our website at |
From the beginning of 2021, Kuopio Water Cluster will start a series of morning coffee meetings with our members. In each meeting, in addition to the current themes of the cluster, we will introduce a local company providing services in the water sector.
For the time being, webinars will be organised as a virtual meeting. Calendar invitations and the necessary links to the webinars will be sent to our members before the start of the event.
The program for the upcoming webinars is below. |
Virtual morning coffee 21.1.2021 (8:30-9:30)
Company presentation:
MPS is a Finnish, internationally operating expert in management, change management and strategic personnel solutions. With 45 years of experience, we know that good management and motivated staff are the starting point for business success. Our international slogan says so too: Because companies are made up of people™.
In the January discussion on behalf of MPS’s Kuopio office, we aim for the future in personnel solutions. Topics of discussion include e.g. personnel issues in start-ups and growth companies, HR pitfalls and avoiding them, important issues to consider in HR planning and implementation, and building a successful team. We also tell you where to look for support in personnel-related issues such as recruitment, competence development and team building.
Current news from Kuopio Water Cluster
Meet the KWC Team and the new staff member Petteri Laaksonen, summary of cluster activities (ECCP, ESCA Bronze Label), international opportunities (projects, upcoming exhibitions), schedule update for the upcoming webinars, e.g., the opportunity to participate in water supply projects in Russian Karelia, open discussion.
Webinar event 28.1.2021 (9:00-12:00): Current water supply projects in the Karelian region of Russia.
Several renovation projects for water and wastewater treatment plants are being launched in Russian Karelia during 2021, e.g. In Sortavala and Pitkäranta. In addition, industrial plants operating in the area also have a need to modernize their water treatment solutions. On January 28, 2021, together with Russian actors, we will organize a webinar where Russian partners will present these projects in more detail. Projects require e.g. hardware suppliers and design offices. We are currently surveying Finnish companies interested in the projects. The webinar is organized in cooperation with Kuopio Water Cluster, Finnish Water Forum and Miksei Oy. A more detailed program of the webinar and a registration link will be sent to KWC members in early January. More information about the webinar can also be found on our website: |
Virtual morning coffee 18.2.2021 (8:30 – 9:30)
Company presentation Nostetta Ventures
Nostetta Ventures Oy is a private equity company in North Savonia that makes equity minority investments in innovative early-stage companies from a new regional private equity fund.
At the morning coffee event in February, e.g. what kind of companies are being sought in the portfolio, what else Nostetta Ventures brings to the target company in addition to financing, and how the process starts.
Current news from Kuopio Water Cluster |
Virtual morning coffee event
Company presentation Berggren
Berggren is a leading and internationally award-winning IPR expert organization. We handle all matters related to patents, trademarks, design protection and domain names, as well as their commercialization. In addition, we have comprehensive expertise in various business law services, e.g. contracts, public procurement, data protection, dispute resolution and marketing law.
We help our clients – both large and small – in all of these matters worldwide. Often the best solution can be found in a combination of our various services.
Current news from Kuopio Water Cluster |
Challenge opportunities in 2021
Challenge competitions are a way to implement innovation projects. Challenge competitions are competitions open to all, where anyone can develop solutions to a defined problem or theme. The goal is to create truly useful services and applications. Challenge competitions also make it possible to meet professionals from different backgrounds or people interested in a particular topic, as well as to form new partnerships.
Kuopio Water Cluster asks its members for ideas for the topics of the challenge competition. Currently, financiers are particularly interested in projects related to the digitalization of water supply and the circular economy.
Feel free to contact us directly via email. Your ideas are welcome for open discussion during the webinars. |
About Kuopio Water Cluster
The KWC offers a one-stop solution for rapid product development, testing and commercialisation services for companies operating in the water technology sector. We complement our offer by providing access to specialised laboratories, top experts, and qualified assisting personnel. Laboratory scale tests are combined with custom-made, containerised pilot-scale test-rigs allowing for rapid on-site demonstrations up to TRL 7.
Founding members of the KWC are Savonia UAS, UEF, THL, GTK, Luke and Finnish Food Authority. |